Monday, January 25, 2010

Life's is a Game!

Hello everyone in the blogosphere!

I use to think biographies were dying unless you were a extraordinarily facinating person(insert famous names here*) or most people found it easier to watch bio channels on cable. I realized However, mostly by surfing here and the rest of the Internet, the last few years everyone is telling their own stories and sharing their skills on here. I don't know why I waited so long to start to document my life as well. I mean, I'm a quarter into my life and so much that has happened to me I have already forgotten (Yes, I do have the memory of a fish). I would love my kids to see this when I am gone or even just when I am older (hopefully senile lol) to know what their father was like(maybe not the bad lol). So mostly I intend on talking about my love, my life, and everything in between. Part of the reason I didn't blog before was simple not feeling confident in my writing skills and feeling I couldn't express my convictions adequately but after reading a few blogs here on blogspot (lol nah just kidding). Well anyway I think I bored you enough for the first time hopefully with each post I'll introduce you to a little more of my life!